Eureka Recycling
Eureka Recycling is an organization that does zero-waste education and recycling based in the Twin Cities.
I worked with Eureka Recycling since their inception. Eureka Recycling grew out of the Neighborhood Energy Consortium in St Paul when waste and recycling facilities went from being small businesses to being owned by larger corporations.
The Neighborhood Energy Consortium conducted a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of creating a company to collect recycling materials in St Paul neighborhoods. My design concept was chosen from a selection of other designs for the study. Eventually, I created all the materials for the pilot study including recycling guides, brochures, postcards, bin drops, bin and cart stickers, door hangers (for door knocking campaign), and business stationary.
We had such a wonderful working relationship that I continued working with what became Eureka recycling for many years and many variations on the annual recycling guides and more.